For more information on giving to the Foundation, please contact
For more information on giving to the Foundation, please contact
For the most part, state funds only cover the basic operating costs of the College. State funds do not cover many other expenses, such as start-up costs for new programs, financial assistance for students in need, the purchase of much-needed equipment, and innovative opportunities for faculty, staff, and students.
Ƶ and the Ƶ Foundation are separate entities. The Ƶ Foundation is a nonprofit organization that provides financial as well as other support to the College. The Foundation receives, manages, and disburses funds under the direction of its own board of directors.
Gifts may be unrestricted or restricted.
Unrestricted gifts are used by the Ƶ Foundation to address the College’s ever-changing needs. These gifts are generally applied in areas where the need is the greatest and where they will provide the greatest impact.
Restricted gifts enable donors to designate how they want their gift to be applied. Restricted gifts may be used to support specific areas of the College, such as individual programs, special scholarships, and building and facility needs.
Unless a gift is restricted, donated monies may fund scholarships, mini-grants, student groups, and various awards. Scholarships benefit more than 100 students each year. The Foundation also provides “mini-grants” to faculty and staff for the enhancement of educational programs and professional skills, and sponsors the Keihin Endowed Faculty Chair Award, the Excellence in Teaching Award, the Staff Award, and the Student Ambassadors program.