Study essential skills for working in any office setting. Office Skills Academy is open to qualifying Edgecombe County residents and Edgecombe County employees. The academy meets 6-10 p.m. on Tuesday and Thursday evenings, March 7 through June 4. This is a hybrid class, meaning that some classes are taught in person on the Tarboro campus, and some classes are taught online.
Edgecombe Works! Office Skills Academy will cover the following:
- Basic computer applications such as Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
- Fundamentals of accounting
- Workplace etiquette
- Communication skills
- Industry-recognized credentials such as Lean Six Sigma and OSHA-10 certifications
Qualifying participants may be eligible to receive a stipend upon completion of this course. Reach out today! Contact Paige Ashman at (252) 618-6614 or